
Here is the edited version of the GM message from Summer Solstice.
June 21th, 2014
Grandmother Wambasa through Judith K. Moore , Red Clay Woman
Message from the Spirit Council of the Thirteen Grandmother for the Opening of the Third Lodge of Peace the Lodge Compassion

Grandmother Wawa Shawey of the White Animals has brought the sacred peace bundle to the people. She has traveled from the White Star Lodge to the place of the heart of Peace to open the lodges of wisdom, compassion and truth. The journey began with a vision at a sacred mountain in Oregon last summer with the grandmothers and Grandmother Robbie Lapp.

Last fall in Holland the vision continued with a calling for me to do seven pipe ceremonies to open the seven lodges of peace. The grandmothers gathered in circle to honor the vision, it was powerful ceremony. I made a promise then to do seven chanupa (sacred pipe) ceremonies to open the seven lodges of peace shown to me in the vision. The first peace mission with the bundles created by Suzette was in Turkey in November of 2013.

The peace bundle was then carried energetically by the sacred hands of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman to the four corners of Turtle Island to be blessed by Chief Golden Light Eagle, at a Star Knowledge ceremony at Angel Arch Canyon and the Cave of The Old Man. This was the pipe ceremony for the opening of the Lodge of Wisdom. It was a beautiful ceremony in the place of the Ancient Wisdom of our Ancestors. Each of the sacred hands of the Star Knowledge family there that day blessed the bundle.
Today is Summer Solstice, I am here in Chimayo alone in the front room, the peace bundle is on my altar and I am holding my chanupa. As I sat down to pray, I feel connected to Grandmother Wambasa (Clan Grandmother). I feel connected to the Grand Mother of the White Animals and the prophecy of Peace.
This morning I began solstice by praying with my brother Floyd. He and I are connected to Grandma Chandra of Star Knowledge. We were working with the meaning of the ancient pertroglyphs with Grandma Chandra and the Star Knowledge family in Utah, and the four corners. Floyd is a Dogon messenger. I feel deeply connected to the Sun Dance in Iowa. My chanupa has been on my altar since the beginning of the Sun Dance in Iowa on June 18th. Today I hold my chanupa in my hands praying the prayers of Peace. I really felt I would be at Sundance but I am here in Chimayo, so I am there in my heart. I feel that the veil is so thin right now. As I sat down to pray with my chanupa, I heard grandmother say, that today is the opening of the Lodge of Compassion. This is the third pipe ceremony for the Seven Lodges of Peace. She wishes to speak through me now.

Grandmother Wambasa, Clan Grandmother, speaks:
A beautiful thing has begun, the tears have begun to flow, when the heart is blocked the tears are dry, and the waters of life do not low through the spirit. When the heart opens and begins to heal the waters of Life flow through the spirit, and when the tears flow a person becomes a human being because their heart becomes real. Then they feel compassion for themselves and for others. A beautiful thing has begun because the tears flow, because when the tears are flowing the heart is open to love and not to hold back from the loving that makes a person beautiful in the eyes of Creation. This makes a person beautiful in the way they walk in the world, the things they know bring blessings to others then.

The power of compassion is honored through the Sacred Solstice Ceremonies during these days of Light.
Now we open the Lodge of Compassion that true Peace may live in the hearts of the people. We call the seekers to make the spirit journey to the Seven Lodges of Peace. We ask you to connect to us through your heart prays. We will bless you and you will bring Unity to the many Nations. The heart of this Unity is Wisdom, Compassion and Truth. The Lodges of Wisdom and Compassion makes possible the power of Truth in the World. The Truth we speak of is the Truth that makes things grow in the world. The grass, the trees the food that you eat. Creator made this world beautiful and anything that you need is here for the blessings of the many nations this is a sacred truth.

Creators Truth must be like that food for the Earth, it is Food for Spirit. The Truth that we speak of is the power of lightning and thunder and the rain upon the Earth. The Truth of the Power of the Rivers and the Mighty Mountains that live forever. It is the truth that one feels when they stand alone with Creator and feel the Sacred Source of All Life. That truth grows in your heart and will grow in the hearts of your children.

Today a beautiful thing happens for we bring the Chanupa, the Sacred Pipe of White Buffalo Calf pipe woman dancing is a beautiful way from the Morningstar Lodge through the Lodge of Wisdom, we bring that Chanupa of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman to the Lodge of Compassion. Here we gather, the 13 Spirit Grandmothers gather and we cry for Love and we cry for Laughter. We cry for Birth and we cry for Death. We cry for the suffering of the World and our tears flow into your heart and into the heart of the world.

Our tears will heal you because they flow like waters of life with your tears anytime that you feel your heart is filled with love, then you live in a way that brings a medicine of Compassion to your life, and to the people. I am grandmother Wambasa, I am speaking this message because I am the one who has been chosen by the Grandmothers Council to speak the prayers of the Sacred Lodge of Peace, the Lodge of Compassion.

We are singing the sacred songs now, as we have sang the Sacred Songs since the Beginning of Time. The birthing songs and the songs for the crossing of life, and the wedding songs. We sing the songs to welcome a new cycle of change. We sing these sacred songs from the Lodge of Compassion as a Peace Bundle is filled with our tears. The chanupa of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman is a soul of every sacred chanupa on the Star Knowledge Altar. Those prayers go out today from the sacred ceremony the of Sundance and The Tree of Life. I am Grandmother Wambasa. It has begun. Aho Mitakyue Oyasin.

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