
Hawaiï bant wettelijk GMO uit..!

GMO ban Hawaii


Hawaiï bant wettelijk GMO uit..!

2013 ©


Burgemeester Billy Kenoi tekent op 5 December 2013 ‘Bill 113’ en laat wetgeving ingaan om GMO volledig uit te bannen op Hawaïi. Dit is de boodschap die hij naar de ‘Hawai’i County Council’ zond:


Aloha, Voorzitter Yoshimoto en Leden:

Op 19 november 2013 nam de ‘Hawaiï County Council’ een voorstel aan voor nieuwe wetgeving. Het betrof een nieuw artikel in bestaande wetgeving, namelijk ‘Bill 113 Draft 3’, waarbij het gaat om zaken betreffende Genetisch gemodificeerde zaden en gewassen. Op 21 november 2013 werd dit voorstel bij me neergelegd ter overweging. Na zorgvuldige afwegingen en discussie met de leden van mijn raad en het volk, heb ik besloten ‘Bill 113′ te tekenen.

Onze gemeenschap heeft een diepe verbinding en respect voor dit land, en we begrijpen allemaal dat we ons eiland moeten beschermen en dienen te bewaren en onze waardevolle, natuurlijke bronnen dienen te bewaken. We zijn vastberaden om dátgene voor het land te doen, wat juist is, omdat deze plek uniek is op de wereld.  Met deze nieuwe wetgeving, dragen we deze uniciteit verder, in plaats van het over te dragen aan wereldwijde landbouwbedrijven. We willen landbouw die is gebaseerd op kleine gemeenschappen en ranches, aanmoedigen en ondersteunen.



The debate over this bill has at times been divisive and hurtful, and some of our hard-working farmers who produce food for our community have been treated disrespectfully. We are determined to protect every farmer and rancher. Agriculture on Hawai’i Island will continue to grow with county assistance, investment and support. That commitment includes initiatives such as the public-private partnership to improve and expand the Pa’auilo Slaughterhouse to support our grass-fed beef industry, and the launch of the Kapulena Agricultural Park, the largest agricultural park in the state on 1,739 acres of county-owned land.

It also includes support for innovative training programs to grow the farmers of the future, and to train veterans to engage in agriculture on Hawaiian Home Lands, and the introduction and advancement of Korean Natural Farming as a sustainable method of producing healthier crops and livestock. It includes completion of the first-in-the-state Food Self-Sufficiency Baseline Study of Hawai’i Island to measure the island’s progress toward food self-sufficiency.

We are determined to reunite our farming community to create a stronger and more vibrant agricultural sector. It is time to end the angry rhetoric and reach out to our neighbors. Our farmers are essential to creating a wholesome and sustainable food supply on this island, and they deserve to be treated with respect and aloha. We must turn now to a meaningful, factual dialogue with one another.

With my approval of this bill, our administration will launch a year of research and data collection to investigate factual claims and to seek out new directions that farming in our community should take. This work will include an expanded database detailing the locations of both organic and conventional farms, the crops that are grown, more accurate estimates of the revenue earned from these enterprises, and the challenges our farmers face in meeting food safety and organic certification requirements. We will work with our farmers and our ranchers to carefully monitor the impacts of this bill over the next year to separate speculation and guesswork from the facts.

Today our communities expect that government will be as cautious as possible in protecting our food and water supplies. We all want to minimize impacts to the environment while also producing abundant, affordable food for local consumption. This ordinance expresses the desires and demands of our community for a safe, sustainable agricultural sector that can help feed our people while keeping our precious island productive and healthy.


William P. Kenoi



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