
27 Redenen om het vaccin NIET te nemen..!

Reasons Why Every Person Should Refuse and Resist
Taking the Covid-19 Vaccination

Written by an expert in Biological Warfare

Dr. Igor Shepherd


  1. NO need for global vaccinations (survival rate is 99% & death rate 0.5%)
  2. Genetically modified technology (mRNA & rDNA) never before used on humans
  3. Similar technology used in developing bioweapons
  4. Vaccines companies funded by DOD, DARPA, DTRA/partnered with China
  5. Chinese military linked with US in vaccine research and development
  6. Most vaccine companies investigated for fraud or crimes
  7. Vaccines did not go through proper testing protocols and are unsafe
  8. Vaccines have undisclosed ‘patented’ ingredients
  9. Vaccines will be used for rapid global depopulation
  10. Vaccines use insect, mammalian, or plant mRNA platforms
  11. Original DNA will be altered which causes mutations, cancers, etc.
  12. Vaccines can cause severe side effects and deaths to millions
  13. Vaccines will usher in transhumanism (merging technology with humans)
  14. Capabilities to genetically modify human sexual composition/non-genders
  15. All vaccine companies are part of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset
  16. Vaccine manufacturers are legally exempted from all liability
  17. Vaccines are potentially cytotoxic (cell damage or cell death)
  18. Pollution from synthetic manmade materials disrupt cellular function
  19. Forceful reprogramming of human body functions via mRNA technology
  20. Over stimulation of the immune system
  21. Modification of the racial gene (possible extermination of certain races)
  22. Dangerous pathological immune reactions
  23. Behavioral and mood modifications
  24. Vaccine recipients will be tracked for 2 years by Operation Warp Speed
  25. Connected to digital ID for global surveillance
  26. Synchronization with artificial intelligence through Nanotechnology
  27. Questionable stability on storage and dispensing vaccine

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