
Fluoride verstoort geest-lichaamscommunicatie..!

Sodium fluoride disrupts communication between body and mind –

We are all used to fluoridated toothpastes and many of us drink fluoridated water, but only few people are aware of the dangers that accompany sodium fluoride, which was once considered necessary for health.

Fluoride’s natural version is not the same as the synthetic industrial version; while the former is found in the Earth’s crust and ground water in small levels, the latter is a waste by-product of the phosphate industry and is generally used in the manufacturing of aluminium and steel metals and as a cleaning agent. Ingestion of fluoride in medium or low doses over a long period of time is known to be responsible for a long list of ailments, including stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea, general weakness, dental fluorosis and development of a rare bone cancer, among others. Sodium fluoride was also responsible for making prisoners at concentration camps during the Nazi regime submissive and easier to control.

However, one of the gravest repercussions of sodium fluoride ingestion is that the pineal gland –located at the middle of the brain-, which enables the communication with one’s higher self and the spiritual realm, is affected. When the brain and pineal gland are saturated with sodium fluoride, they cannot function properly and the connection between body and mind weakens. Fluoride toxicity is easy to spot: the IQ is lowered, the number of headaches skyrockets and neurological problems appear. These health problems eventually disrupt the communication between mind and body, leading to a lack of critical thinking and holistic thinking skills, as well as a lack of spiritual awareness.

Nearly 30 international studies have warned that drinking fluoridated water diminishes IQ, especially among children. A 2013 Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health found that children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those in low fluoride areas. The report summarized the available literature and performed a systematic review of published articles on the topic of increased fluoride exposure in drinking water and neurodevelopmental delays. In conclusion, the study carried out by Harvard University showed that fluoride exposure could have a negative effect on children’s neurodevelopment.

A 2011 Chinese study also found that low dose of sodium fluoride in drinking water reduces children’s IQ. Sodium fluoride has been linked to lower sperm counts and reduced fertility and, according to a number of studies, it can block thyroid production.

Despite the overwhelming number of studies which show the negative effects sodium fluoride has on the human body, Dr Michael Foley, director of Brisbane Dental Hospital, said the anti-fluoride beliefs were both absurd and insulting to health professionals and scientific bodies, The Morning Bulletin reported last year. Dr Foley also added that the Australian Medical Association, the World Health Organisation and the Australian Dental Association would not back water fluoridation if they thought it caused health problems.

However, if you do believe fluoride may be responsible for a wide array of health problems, you should know that detoxification can be done by purifying the water or taking magnesium and calcium supplements. People who think they have ingested a high amount of sodium fluoride should also consider the following: iodine supplementation, liver cleanses and dry saunas.


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